
Arman Ferdowsi joins SC

The research group Scientific Computing is offering the following topics for Bachelor and Master theses as well as P1 and P2 for SS2025.

Predoctoral university assistant in Edge/Cloud Computing, IoT and Sensor Networks; 30 hrs; starting March 2025.

Predoctoral university assistant, 30 hrs, starting March 2025

Postdoctoral researcher, 40 hrs, starting January 2025

The research group Scientific Computing is offering the following topics for Bachelor and Master theses as well as P1 and P2 for WS 2024.

FWF Interview with Atakan Aral

We are happy to announce that the research group SC has been granted funds by the EU for the innovation study 'CBM4Scale - Compressed Binary Matrix Algorithms for Scaling'.

Article in The Engineer about new SC project TROCI

The research group Scientific Computing is offering the following topics for Bachelor and Master theses as well as P1 and P2 for SS 2024.

We are happy to announce that the research group SC has been granted funds by the FWF for the project 'TROCI - Towards Resilient Operation of Critical Infrastructure'.

New Topics for Bachelor and Master Thesis WS23

The research group Scientific Computing is offering the following topics for Bachelor and Master theses as well as P1 and P2 for WS 2023.

Topics for Bachelor and Master Thesis SS2023

The research group Scientific Computing is offering the following topics for Bachelor and Master theses as well as P1 and P2 for SS2023.

Special Intensive Course with Visiting Professor Di Martino

VU Patterns and Artificial Intelligence for Cloud and Cloud-Edge Continuum offered in WS2022

Topics for Bachelor and Master Thesis WS2022

The research group Scientific Computing is offering the following topics for Bachelor and Master theses as well as P1 and P2 for WS2022.

Scientific Computing Talk with Michael O'Boyle: "New ways of thinking about optimizing compiler technology"

Michael O'Boyle (The University of Edinburgh, School of Informatics) speaks on 23 June at 11:30 a.m. on "New ways of thinking about optimizing compiler technology" in SR 6....

New topics for Bachelor and Master Theses SS2022

The research group Scientific Computing is offering the following topics for Bachelor and Master theses for SS2022.

Three open positions for University Assistent at the Research Group Scientific Computing

Topics for Bachelor and Master Thesis WS2021

The research group Scientific Computing is offering the following topics for Bachelor and Master theses for WS2021.

New project funded by FWF

We are happy to announce that the Research Group SC has been granted funds by the FWF for the project 'Offline and Online Autotuning of Parallel Applications'.

Goodbye, Jiri!

Jiri Dokulil is leaving the team

Atakan Aral joins Research Group SC

New project funded by FWF

We are happy to announce that the research group SC has been granted funds by the FWF for the project 'SWAIN - Sustainable Watershed Management Through IoT-Driven AI'.

Topics for Bachelor and Master Thesis SS2021

The research group Scientific Computing is offering the following topics for Bachelor and Master theses for SS2021.

New Topics for Bachelor and Master Thesis WS2020

The research group Scientific Computing is offering the following topics for Bachelor and Master theses for WS2020.