Bachelor's and Master's Theses, P1 and P2

(currently under review, July 16, 2024)

We offer a range of thesis topics in the areas of Parallel and Distributed Computing. The concrete scope of a thesis can be defined on an individual basis.

In case of interest please contact us by email: Siegfried Benkner, Eduard Mehofer, Enes Bajrovic, Atakan Aral


Programming Models, Languages and Concepts

·         Programming of heterogeneous parallel systems

·         Scientific codes and GPUs with oneAPI/DPC++/SYCL

·         Accelerating scientific codes with modern vector units (vector processors and CPU/SIMD mode)


Frameworks for AI/ML

·         Kubeflow - The Machine Learning Toolkit for Kubernetes

·         Apache Airflow, MLflow

·         Portability and Scalability for AI/ML Tools


Cloud Computing/ IoT / Edge Computing

·         Big Data Frameworks (Java Cloud Dataflow SDK, Apache Spark/Beam/Kafka)

·         Serverless Computing

·         Scheduling Frameworks (Kubernetes, Mesos, ...)


Edge Computing and Edge AI

·         Distributed AI/ML Applications, Federated Learning

·         IoT-Driven Monitoring Systems

·         Learning from Environmental Data (see

·         Implementing an Edge AI Test Bed (Raspberry Pi, Jetson Nano, Google Coral)

·         Energy-Efficient / Reliable Edge Computing