EU-Funded Innovation Study Commences

We are happy to announce that the research group SC has been granted funds by the EU for the innovation study 'CBM4Scale - Compressed Binary Matrix Algorithms for Scaling'.

The objective of the CBM4Scale innovation study is to design and implement a fundamentally new algorithm that enables the construction of a novel Compressed Binary Matrix (CBM) storage format and the optimization of associated matrix operations. The innovation study will be conducted in cooperation with Prof. Alexandre Francisco from INESC-ID Lisboa. The team from the University of Vienna is led by Prof. Siegfried Benkner.

The study is part of Inno4scale, a European initiative for supporting the development of innovative algorithms for exascale supercomputers. The initiative has received funding from the European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 101118139. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Programme.

More information on CBM4Scale can be found »here.

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